Juba witnesses riot over poor health services


Juba witness a riot over poor health services

Juba, PR, MP 30 Mar. 2021

Some activists and a large number of youths went out on Tuesday morning shouting anti-government slogans and calling on the government to fix poor health condition at Juba Teaching hospital.

The group of demonstrators who gathered at Mobil roundabout in Juba blocked traffic while carrying placards and chanting: ‘Down…down wicked authorities’, ‘do not kill us, Juba Teaching Hospital is killing us’… among many others!

This was prompted by the killing of the artist, ‘Trisha Cee’ who was crashed on a motorbike known as ‘Boda-boda’ in a road accident.

Trisha who sustained fatal injuries was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately, she died later because of poor health services at Juba Teaching Hospital.

Friends and family members blamed her death partly on the slow services being offered by the authorities concerned at Juba referral hospital.

There were no details on whether clashes took place, but the Police made some arrests targeting those believed to be the ring leaders.

Among those who were arrested are James Kolok, the Executive Director of the Foundation for Democracy and Accountable Governance, Wani Michael, the Executive Director of OKAY Africa and Manasseh Mathiang, a Youth Activist.

However, the Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, Edmund Yakani called on the authorities to immediately release those arrested during the peaceful demonstration.

Yakani stated that the arrest amounts to curtailing the right to freedom of expression of the citizens which was guaranteed by the country’s interim constitution.


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